The Last of Us 2 Review

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

Control Review

Death Stranding Review

The Outer Worlds Review

Joker Review

Rambo: Last Blood Review

Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger iX – Impressions [TGS 2019]

Final Fantasy VII Remake – Demo Impressions [TGS 2019]
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Action and storytelling at its finest Yoko Taro(Drakengard, Nier) and Platinum Games(Bayonetta, Vanquish) have teamed up, and decided that the sequel to Nier should have all the stylized action to go along with some fantastic storytelling. Throw in a great art direction and soundtrack, and you get a game that is easily in the running […]
Dragon Quest, known by some as Dragon Warrior back in the day, has been a long running series here in Japan since 1986. It’s easily argued that Dragon Quest is the most popular RPG series in all of Japan. There are many reasons as to why this could be. It’s tried and true old school […]
A final review after the early impressions. Well my friends, the time has come and passed, and Ala Mhigo has been liberated. This is the second expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and it could easily be its own Final Fantasy(FF) game. I will also note that this is the first time I […]
Monkey Islan…er.. Maniac Mansi…umm.. Thimbleweed Park! Thimbleweed Park is a huge love letter to the old point and click adventure days back when the term gigabyte was something that seemed like a dream far off. But Ron Gilbert and Gary Winnick knew exactly what to do, and that was make Maniac Mansion. This game started […]
So it finally happened. Blizzard finally unveiled the fabled Doomfist to the world today. Blizzard has been hinting at this character since the very first CG short they released where Winston and Tracer faced off against Widowmaker and Reaper. The story is that the gauntlet Doomfist wields has been bounced around from goody guy […]
A couple of days ago Platinum Games tweeted a pic that has a lot of people speculating as to what it means. The original tweet can be found here, and here’s the pic they included. Admittedly, it’s not MUCH to go on. The main speculation comes from the colors the pic uses that match the […]
Video via The Bancast on YouTube After being away for 18 years FLCL is finally making a return. Adult Swim will be collaborating with Production IG to make this happen. Sadly Gainax won’t have any involvement this time around, but in these last 18 years Production IG more than stands on its own […]
For those who don’t know, Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) 2017 is starting up very soon. In fact it’ll be up and running July 2nd (this coming Sunday). This go around they’re planning on doing 120 games! THAT’S A LOTTA GAMES! They recently posted their schedule too! It looks as if they’re starting things out […]
A little late on the ball here but this month’s offerings for Xbox’s Games with Gold are as follows: Grow Up (available during all of July) Runbow (available from July 16th to August 15th) Kane and Lynch 2 (Xbox 360 backwards compatible; available July 1st to July 15th) LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video […]
Sony has announced the PS Plus games lineup for this July. It looks to be a frightfully amazing lineup. Hitting July 4th we’ll see the following games: Until Dawn (PS4) Game of Thrones (PS4; the Telltale game) Tokyo Jungle (PS3) Darkstalkers Resurrection (PS3) Element4l (PS Vita) Don’t Die, Mr. Robot (Vita; Cross Buy on PS4) […]
2017 So Far….. Alright Dashcancel friends, I think I want to start up a little segment called Game Dash. Here’s how it works- Since we are getting ready to go into the latter half of 2017, I thought I would write about some of the games 2017 has graced(or shamed) us with already, in a […]