The Last of Us 2 Review

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

Control Review

Death Stranding Review

The Outer Worlds Review

Joker Review

Rambo: Last Blood Review

Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger iX – Impressions [TGS 2019]

Final Fantasy VII Remake – Demo Impressions [TGS 2019]
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Alright folks, it’s confession time. I have never really played a MMORPG. There, I said it. Sure, I played Phantasy Star Online on Dreamcast back in the day, and even dabbled in Everquest because all my friends were playing it. But I would always put them down because I had a mental wall put up […]
Those who watched the Mario Odyssey trailer last week probably started coining all kinds of terms for Mario’s new…”power”. I myself used the word “possession”, as did many others in the gaming journalism community. However, Nintendo came out and said that’s not really correct. After someone posted a picture on Twitter that stated Mario was […]
I want to preface this entire Early Access review by saying I am not a fan of this kind of system usually. I’ve only every bought into a few Kickstarters and Early Access games on Steam. My reasoning is that many games sometimes don’t see the light of day and get stuck in development hell. […]
The last of the big three to go this year to present. As in past years Nintendo opted to save some cash and just do their show via the internet. Here are Chris and EJ’s impressions of this one… EJ: Ok here we go. Let’s hope this was better than the last 2 […]
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As I walk through the dense woods at night, an eerie silence rolls over me, as if telling me there is nothing here for the living. To my right is a beautiful lake that holds a story, one that most want to forget. I hear something on the wind, but what was it? Someone chanting […]
Quod satis pecuniae sempiternum. Ut sciat oportet motum. Nunquam invenies eum. Hic de tabula. Ego vivere, ut debui, et nunc fiant. Istuc quod opus non est. Lorem ipsum occurrebat pragmaticam semper ut, si quis ita velim tibi bene recognoscere. Quorum duo te mihi videtur. Mauris a nunc occideritis me rectum. Videtur quod Ive facillimum, qui […]