The Last of Us 2 Review

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

Control Review

Death Stranding Review

The Outer Worlds Review

Joker Review

Rambo: Last Blood Review

Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger iX – Impressions [TGS 2019]

Final Fantasy VII Remake – Demo Impressions [TGS 2019]
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Goooood Luck! So I managed to pick up a SNES Classic. If you haven’t heard already, the SNES Classic is a miniature model of the actual Super Nintendo Entertainment System(SNES) packaged with two controllers and twenty-one games installed. While almost all of these are must have games, […]
This playable cartoon looks old school, but your skills better be! Hey all you cool hip cats out there, have you heard about Cuphead? He’s a cool swingin’ jive daddio that got mixed up with the wrong side of the tracks along with his pal Mugman- nope, wait… stop… let’s just forget about that…. Even […]
So, it would seem that Nintendo might not be inherently evil after all. In a world of microtransictions and DLC, as a consumer it might feel that getting through paywalls to access all of a game’s content is somewhat unfair. Nintendo is releasing 3 wedding themed Amiibo alongside of Super Mario Odyssey this month. In […]
A song about Ditto (Metamon in Japan) is the best song. This Japanese pokemon song hit the internet not but a day or so ago and is starting to make the rounds on the interwebs. I’m not a huge Ditto fan, but this song makes me love him now.
Koei Tecmo recently announced via Twitter that Nioh, much like the closely related Dark Souls series, will be making it’s way to PC soon. Those who pre-order will receive an odd looking helmet with a red valve and steam coming out of it. How very Steam of them. If you passed this one up on […]
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is the newest installment of the long running series that started in 1996 with X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Technically this is the sixth installment to the series. The setup for this game is that Ultron and Sigma have joined forces in order to wipe out organic life in both their respective […]
Though Studio Ghibli has no official ties to this game, I’m sure a lot of people are still excited for it. Level 5 is, thankfully, still teaming up with a lot of people from Ghibli that worked on the first one. The two at the top that list would be former Ghibli character designer Yoshiyuki Momose, […]
During the first business day of TGS 2017 this was the first booth I went to. I got in line and was ushered through the line, but to my surprise this was a fast pass line and I was given a ticket stamped for a later time in the day. My cohort and myself returned […]
Wednesday Night’s Alright For Fighting Let’s get right to it- opening up we get a crazy car chase scene, filled to the brim with action, witty banter, and good old fashioned violence. Interested? Eggsy makes a return to proper fashion with Kingsman 2: The Golden Circle. And if you […]
Back….. To the Future Remember in Back to the Future II where Marty travels back to 1955 again? We get to see the events from the first movie happen for a second time, from a different angle, while the new plot unfolds that eventually brings us all back to the 1985 we know and love. […]
I come from the GameBoy generation. I remember loving my OG GB as well as the GBA. One game that always stuck with me the most was Advance Wars. The reason being is that Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games of all time. Turn based strategy games are just kind of my […]
Necrobarista is an interesting game. It’s already started to get some rumblings on the interwebs due to it’s unique take on visual novels and it’s interesting setting. I had the chance to play a short demo of the game at TGS and speak with someone hired part time to do marketing for the game. For […]
A Remake Worth Returning To Back in my day, there existed this brick like device that people packed around with them. This brick was not for building, nor for throwing, but playing video games upon. And after you popped in those four AA batteries along with your game, you got some pixelated goodness upon […]
PSN is currently holding a flash sale. There are some great gems hidden in this one. Top of the list for me is The Disney Afternoon Collection (PS4) which contains 6 games for the low price of $7.99. The sale is timed quite well with TGS and features a lot of anime themed games like Sword […]
By now, most people (especially Dark Souls fans) probably already know about Code Vein. On day two I got to Makuhari Messe (where TGS has been held for years now) a bit early just to make my way to play this game. Even as a member of the press you still have to line up […]
As I wandered the halls of TGS 2017 this year I saw many spectacles. The majority of which were in the the hall that housed the indie games, merchandising, and esports arena. As I toured the MANY booths that featured VR games I stumbled on a strange sight. I watched as a man took care […]
Here are the day 2 pics of TGS 2017. Spent a lot of time at the indie booth section talking to marketing people and a few devs.
We took A LOT of pics the first day of TGS. We also found time to play some games too of course!
Sony’s Press Conference for TGS was held on 9/19/2018 @ 16:00 JST, just a couple of days before the business days (9/21 and 9/22). The conference ran for roughly 70-ish minutes and featured a plethora of titles. Some of these we already knew about, while a few were new announcements. The following is a breakdown […]
Sony is doing a press conference live here in Tokyo at 16:00 (4 PM JST) this afternoon. We’ll post some stories on the cool stuff we see, but check it out here if you’re in the west and still awake!