The Last of Us 2 Review

Final Fantasy VII Remake Review

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Gunvolt Chronicles Luminous Avenger iX – Impressions [TGS 2019]

Final Fantasy VII Remake – Demo Impressions [TGS 2019]
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As previously reported, it was looking highly likely that Okami HD would be released on current gen consoles. Amazon USA now has it listed for both PS4 and Xbox One. The physical version is going for a mere $19.99. As I’ve stated previously, this is an amazing game that should be played by all fans […]
SquareEnix and Silicon Studios are slicing up eight ways to enjoy some nutritious old school turn based rpg action. SquareEnix has been up to its old ways again, which is definitely a great thing for us. Seeing these throwback games such as Bravely Default and Bravely Second, I Am Setsuna, and the newly announced Lost […]
David Bull of ukiyo-e (Japanese woodblock prints) fame has started up a new Kickstarter with Jed Henry. This latest series of artwork will have some pretty awesome prints just like the previous series. Some of the new woodblock prints include The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, Metal Gear Solid, and even a battle […]
Psycho Circus…. I’m not gonna lie, I was so excited about this remake, that I went back and reread the book, and watched the old made for tv movie of Stephen King’s It. I wanted that familiar feeling of being back in Derry when I watched this re-imagining, so I came prepared. I am going […]
Kotaku UK writer Laura Kate Dale wrote last month that there were whispers that Okami HD might be coming out around Xmas of this year. That rumor became even more likely in the last few days since the Korean Game Ratings Board rated it for PS4, Xbox One, and PC rated the title. This […]
Turn Based Strategy at its- nowhere to be found! Have you by chance played a gem called Valkyria Chronicles? Because if you haven’t, and you enjoy turn based strategy games, you owe it to yourself to play it. I rank it right up there with Final Fantasy Tactics. From the hand drawn cell shaded characters, […]
Games Done Quick held an improvised a couple of days ago to raise money for victims affected by hurricane Harvey that left a majority of Houston, Texas in tatters. The impromptu event took place over various runners streaming from their homes in an effort to raise donations. The event ended up raising $227,876.53 in 48 […]
Recently at PAX West this weekend Square showed off a bit of gameplay of their remake of Secret of Mana. The video features Francis Santos (Product Marketing Manager for Square) talking about the game along with Kelly Lake and Anna Prosser. They touch on some good points about things like multiplayer coop. One of the […]
Nintendo made it official via their website recently that showed Mario’s profile. In the image below it says “実は昔、「配管工」のお仕事もしていたこともあるらしい……。” and this roughly translates to something like “Actually, there seems to have been work as a plumber a long time ago”. Before that, it mentions how Mario has done different things of late, and honestly this […]
Nintendo, more and more over the years, has started to join in on the CE hype train. Fire Emblem Warriors seems to be no exception as they recently announced a new edition on their Twitter. The CE will include the game, a 2 sided poster (though I could only find a pic with the side […]
Tonight at the E-Sports Festival Hong Kong’s finals a new challenger appeared for SFV. It was pretty easy to see this one coming as she popped up in Ed’s story mode way back when. From the looks of the video she seems to play very very similar to Rose. The video shows some really interesting […]
Sega recently announced a new Hokuto no Ken, also known as Fist of the North Star in the west, game that’s being developed by the same team that brought us the popular Yakuza series. The game seems to a brawler, but also perhaps a bit of open-world (read open-city). For those new to the FotNS series, […]
A deserving Collector’s Edition With the newly announced Secret of Mana remake coming, some of us wondered about a possible collector’s edition due to the Mana anniversary timing that went along with this news. Well, here it is. It is up on the SquareEnix Japan store, for around $150(US). A bit pricey, but one […]
This is not a drill! If you could hear my screaming voice after the remake announcement while reading this, you might be partially deaf now. Thankfully, I will just try to convey my joy via this article that you will be reading with your eyes. I mean, I could try to turn the brightness up […]
As most probably already know, pre-orders for the Super Nintendo Classic console went up for pre-order recently in the USA. Many were met with large disappointments in their search. One of the first chains to open orders up was Best Buy. Luckily, our fellow content contributor Chris was able to snag one from there. I […]
Square Enix officially announced FFXV on PC. They’ve also release a trailer featuring some of the big additions to this version of the game. The most enticing to me is that it will include all previously release DLC. I never dove into that rabbit hole on consoles, and so it won’t be too tough to […]
I might be in that very small category that actually enjoyed Fear Effect for the original Playstation (release Feb. 2000). It was a an action-adventure game that used a lot of cel-shading. Which for the time was still an incredibly new technique. The background were made from looping full-motion video, rather than the pre-rendered 2D […]
Gamescom is mere days away, but we’ve already had one game slip out. A tweet, apparently from Reddit, has a picture showing off the new game. Looks to be a game right up the alley for those who enjoy anthropomorphic main characters (or if you’re furry, whatever floats your boat). Gamescom starts this coming Wednesday […]
Iron Harvest is a new game based on the 2016’s board game hit Scythe. As seen in the trailer below, it mixes mechs in a WWI setting. I really enjoy this kind of alternative history and this specific 1920s setting reminds me a lot of the 2000 Playstation 2 title Ring of Red. Though the setting […]
I imagine Terry Crews shed a tear about this news. Microsoft’s Shannon Loftis (GM, Microsoft Studios publishing) tweeted yesterday that the game will be pushed all the way back to “Spring 2018”. Considering how long some were holding out this could come as a huge disappointment. Also, this news could possibly impact the sales for […]