Turn Based RPGs Return to Form You ever hear the phrase- I wish video games would go back to the golden age of gaming-? Maybe you have thought this to […]
But Time Flows Like A River… And History Repeats…… It is finally here! One of my favorite games of all time gets a nice makeover. And with this releasing, you will have people split into different camps about this remake. I go back and play the SNES game at least once […]
SquareEnix and Silicon Studios are slicing up eight ways to enjoy some nutritious old school turn based rpg action. SquareEnix has been up to its old ways again, which is definitely a great thing for us. Seeing these throwback games such as Bravely Default and Bravely Second, I Am Setsuna, and the newly announced Lost […]
A deserving Collector’s Edition With the newly announced Secret of Mana remake coming, some of us wondered about a possible collector’s edition due to the Mana anniversary timing that went along with this news. Well, here it is. It is up on the SquareEnix Japan store, for around $150(US). A bit pricey, but one […]
This is not a drill! If you could hear my screaming voice after the remake announcement while reading this, you might be partially deaf now. Thankfully, I will just try to convey my joy via this article that you will be reading with your eyes. I mean, I could try to turn the brightness up […]
A final review after the early impressions. Well my friends, the time has come and passed, and Ala Mhigo has been liberated. This is the second expansion for Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn, and it could easily be its own Final Fantasy(FF) game. I will also note that this is the first time I […]