So, it would seem that Nintendo might not be inherently evil after all. In a world of microtransictions and DLC, as a consumer it might feel that getting through paywalls to access all of a game’s content is somewhat unfair. Nintendo is releasing 3 wedding themed Amiibo alongside of Super Mario Odyssey this month. In […]
I come from the GameBoy generation. I remember loving my OG GB as well as the GBA. One game that always stuck with me the most was Advance Wars. The reason being is that Final Fantasy Tactics is one of my favorite games of all time. Turn based strategy games are just kind of my […]
Necrobarista is an interesting game. It’s already started to get some rumblings on the interwebs due to it’s unique take on visual novels and it’s interesting setting. I had the chance to play a short demo of the game at TGS and speak with someone hired part time to do marketing for the game. For […]
SquareEnix and Silicon Studios are slicing up eight ways to enjoy some nutritious old school turn based rpg action. SquareEnix has been up to its old ways again, which is definitely a great thing for us. Seeing these throwback games such as Bravely Default and Bravely Second, I Am Setsuna, and the newly announced Lost […]