But Time Flows Like A River… And History Repeats…… It is finally here! One of my favorite games of all time gets a nice makeover. And with this releasing, you will have people split into different camps about this remake. I go back and play the SNES game at least once […]
A deserving Collector’s Edition With the newly announced Secret of Mana remake coming, some of us wondered about a possible collector’s edition due to the Mana anniversary timing that went along with this news. Well, here it is. It is up on the SquareEnix Japan store, for around $150(US). A bit pricey, but one […]
This is not a drill! If you could hear my screaming voice after the remake announcement while reading this, you might be partially deaf now. Thankfully, I will just try to convey my joy via this article that you will be reading with your eyes. I mean, I could try to turn the brightness up […]