Master Roshi wants to talk? Let’s talk. I got a few minutes with a voice actor who has been in the game quite a while. Mike McFarland talks with us about getting into voice acting, among a few other things. Being a fan of One Piece, I wanted him to talk a little Buggy the […]
Platinum Games Bringing a Beautiful Anime Action RPG To PS4 If the name Granblue Fantasy doesn’t sound familiar to you, that’s okay. If the names Nobuo Uematsu and Hideo Minaba aren’t familiar to you, well, then we have a problem. Uematsu is one of the best composers of all time, and you might recognize his […]
Turn Based Strategy at its- nowhere to be found! Have you by chance played a gem called Valkyria Chronicles? Because if you haven’t, and you enjoy turn based strategy games, you owe it to yourself to play it. I rank it right up there with Final Fantasy Tactics. From the hand drawn cell shaded characters, […]