Reviews – PS4
Insomniac shows how fans can create something great I’d like to start off this spoiler free review with a simple question. Do you have a Playstation 4 yet? If the answer is no(for whatever reason, not […]
Boy! Come over here and translate this review, boy! This one was tough for me. I generally like to write spoiler free reviews, or in some cases, I try to massively label when a spoiler is coming. There is just so much I want to discuss […]
But Time Flows Like A River… And History Repeats…… It is finally here! One of my favorite games of all time gets a nice makeover. And with this releasing, you will have people split into different camps about this remake. I go back and play the SNES game at least once […]
Marvel vs. Capcom Infinite is the newest installment of the long running series that started in 1996 with X-Men vs. Street Fighter. Technically this is the sixth installment to the series. The setup for this game is that Ultron and Sigma have joined forces in order to wipe out organic life in both their respective […]