Queue the Bulk and Skull theme

Hey, own a tv? Yeah? Watched it in the last twenty years? Of course. The name Mighty Morphin Power Rangers might ring a bell. And with that name, Bulk and Skull should without question ring another bell. If you have ever been to a comic convention, you know there are some celebrities who embrace the con. They have a blast interacting with the fans, and leave an impression that you will never forget.

Enter Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy. These two have been with the Power Rangers since day one when it aired over here in the states. And across all the many iterations over the years, we see their characters Bulk and Skull bring you all the antics. I can’t think Power Rangers without them, and the same goes for all the other fans who come to meet them and grab some autographs. And they really go above and beyond for their fans, and it shows. Want to see what it’s all about for these two? I grab the mic, Kris has the camera, and then Paul Schrier grabs the mic…. Begin!

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