Kotaku UK writer Laura Kate Dale wrote last month that there were whispers that Okami HD might be coming out around Xmas of this year.   That rumor became even more likely in the last few days since the Korean Game Ratings Board rated it for PS4, Xbox One, and PC rated the title.  This is great news for PC only games, as this is the first time the game will make an appearance on that platform.

Mind you, this still isn’t confirmation, but it does seem incredibly likely to actually happen.  I played the game to 100% on Playstation 2.  Motion controls weren’t really my thing at that time, so I avoided playing it on the Wii.  If you’ve being holding off from playing this and you do own a current gen console or decent PC, I STRONGLY recommend this one if you like adventure (read Zelda) games.  It’s so good I don’t mind throwing money at it a third time in hopes of a true sequel.  I mean…don’t get me wrong Okamiden was good and all, but I’d like to see a home console sequel.


Source: [Gematsu]

Author EJ Howson
Views 1839