Square Enix officially announced FFXV on PC.  They’ve also release a trailer featuring some of the big additions to this version of the game.

The most enticing to me is that it will include all previously release DLC.  I never dove into that rabbit hole on consoles, and so it won’t be too tough to bite that bullet when this comes out “early 2018”.

This version is heavy on the Nvdia support.  With great additions like 4k textures, Dolby Atmos, Nvidia Turf effects (more realistic foliage), Nvidia HairWorks (ADVANCED HAIR SIMULATION), and Nvidia Flow (think better fire and fog/smoke effects).

Square Enix hasn’t said what kind of beast you’ll need to run this port just yet, but I’m sure you’ll need something high spec if you wanting to output at 4K.


Author EJ Howson
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