A little late on the ball here but this month’s offerings for Xbox’s Games with Gold are as follows:

  • Grow Up (available during all of July)

  • Runbow (available from July 16th to August 15th)

  • Kane and Lynch 2 (Xbox 360 backwards compatible; available July 1st to July 15th)

  • LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (Xbox 360 backwards compatible; available July 16th to July 31st)

Grow Up is the follow up to Grow Home developed by Ubisoft Reflections.  The goal of the game is to help plants  grow and collect parts of the robot main character’s ship which are spread across the planet.  It’s a very slow paced game and might be a relaxing escape for those wanting to chill out this summer.

Runbow was developed and published by small studio 13AM Games, and it’s a multiplayer focused platformer that pits players in a race against each other.  This game is incredibly colorful and was very well received when first received on the Wii U in 2015.  It’s somewhat similar to Speedrunners, but personally I like this one a little more.

As for the the backwards compatibility offerings we’ve got Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days the raunchy and action packed sequel to a game very few people cared about.  A third person action game developed by IO Interactive and published via Eidos.  The game received overall mediocre scores when it released in 2010.

Last but not least is LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game.  If you’ve played one LEGO game you’ve played them all, but hey it’s free!

*Note:  To get these games you much have a current subscription to Xbox Live Gold services.  Even after terminating your subscription to the service you will still have the games in your library to play at any time.

Author EJ Howson
Categories Uncategorized
Views 1445