For those who don’t know, Summer Games Done Quick (SGDQ) 2017 is starting up very soon.  In fact it’ll be up and running July 2nd (this coming Sunday).  This go around they’re planning on doing 120 games!  THAT’S A LOTTA GAMES!  They recently posted their schedule too!  It looks as if they’re starting things out with Nier: Automata this year.

The same group runs another event called Awesome Games Done Quick in the winter as well.  The group has worked with multiple charities over the year such as Doctors Without Borders and the Prevent Cancer Foundation raising over 10 million dollars since the inception of the events.

Some of these runs are incredibly interesting and they’ve recently expanded with multiple speedrunners racing to finish a game, and all the way to runs that impose special conditions on themselves like doing a run blindfolded.

TheYetee shirt company also provides some pretty stellar shirts around this time, which part of the proceedings sales go to charity as well.

This is a really great event whether you’re new to speedruns or still a little wet behind the ears.  It’s really great to see gamers come together for a great cause and having fun in the process.

Author EJ Howson
Categories Uncategorized
Views 1393