Sony has announced the PS Plus games lineup for this July.  It looks to be a frightfully amazing lineup.

Hitting July 4th we’ll see the following games:

  • Until Dawn  (PS4)

  • Game of Thrones  (PS4; the Telltale game)

  • Tokyo Jungle  (PS3)

  • Darkstalkers Resurrection  (PS3)

  • Element4l  (PS Vita)

  • Don’t Die, Mr. Robot  (Vita; Cross Buy on PS4)

Until Dawn is a Playstation exclusive and came out nearly 2 years ago (August 2015).  Metacritic has it at a rating of 79%, which isn’t bad.  It’s an interactive horror story similar to some thing like Heavy Rain where you’re given choices which have a very large impact on the outcome of the story.  The Game of Thrones game is your standard Telltale fare and probably must for hardcore fans of the series (or Telltale games fans).

Tokyo Jungle…well that’s a harder one to describe.  It came out half a decade ago and takes place at a time when mankind is extinct and animals reign once more.  Your job is to take control of a myriad of different animals (the first if which is a Pomeranian dog)  and help them breed, hunt, and ultimately survive.  Darkstalkers is a classic Capcom fighting game that doesn’t get enough love.  So, if you still have that PS3 hooked up I suggest getting it!

The last 2 are the Vita games which I’ve never played.  Sadly, my Vita doesn’t get enough attention.  Anywho, Element4l is branded as an indie platformer that uses minimalist colors and looks neat enough.  The last game Don’t Die, Mr. Robot is described as a fast paced 2D puzzler that does what it sets out to do well and looks crazy in the process.

All in all this is a fairly strong lineup this coming month.  Sadly, most of us know from experience that the subsequent months might leave something to be desired.

*As a note these games are only available to those who have a Playstation Plus account.  If your subscription lapses you will lose access to these games, but if you ever renew then you’ll gain access to them again.

Author EJ Howson
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