All are welcome here

Well, the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention has came and went near the end of March, and I had a blast covering it once again. I met some amazing people, some of whom I was also able to interview, and wouldn’t you guess it, met some really talented cosplayers as well. Even with the construction going on in downtown Lexington, along with Rupp Arena itself, Jarrod and crew were still able to accommodate everyone for the entire convention. With so many things to do, I don’t know how they pull it off every year, but it happens. So, before we get into the usual cosplay section, there are a few things I need to talk about.

First off, I will say that every single celebrity was beyond nice this year. Even if they weren’t doing interviews, they all were still really cool, and well worth the wait in the lines just to meet them. For the interviews I was able to get, check out our YouTube page. I have to mention Tom Kenny here. He had one of the longest lines the entire con, and made sure every single person got some time, and was able to hear any of the voices that he did, from SpongeBob to The Ice King, and many more. He was the very last celebrity out on the floor Sunday, still making sure everyone was able to spend some time with him. Charlie Adler stuck around for a while as well, and he is also a super nice guy, with more voices than you can shake a stick at, as well as some directing! As you can tell, I am a huge fan of both.

Local artist Ray Coffman was there as well, selling pieces, and even squeezing a few commissions in! Not to mention he released his new book, titled Derelict: The Harbingers of Kromius, which I just finished reading! Review to come later.

Tony Acree, another local and owner of Hydra Publications, was there with his book series as well as some of Hydra’s other authors too. Hand of God will be the next book I read, and so far there are four books in the series, and a possible movie in the future as well.

All in all, it was a great time, and I urge you to come next year! Now, as for the cosplayers, my hat is off to all of them. It is getting harder each year to pick a winner, but there was one, which I will get to. But first, let’s just unload some pictures!

And some more!

We got a few more, but first, my winner.

This was her first time ever at making her on costume, and she knocked Edward Scissorhands out of the park! There were many others that were just as good, but this one stuck out to me, as she had little experience with cosplay at all. Here are the rest.

Randy Marsh meets the real Randy Marsh

I believe that’s about it! Let me know which is your favorite!

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