Record breaking numbers attend Lexington Kentucky’s favorite comic con

Hey everyone, Chris here. After recovering from an amazing weekend from the Lexington Comic and Toy Convention, I am now here to share what I covered of this event. From interviews, to shout-outs, and tons of cosplay, we here at Dashcancel had a blast over the three day convention! On day one I had my wife with me helping with the camera. Saturday and Sunday I had a close friend whose name sounds awfully close to mine, he goes by Kris. With EJ being in Japan, he told me to go for it.

For those that don’t know, I prefer to write. I am not great in front of a camera, but I got out there and gave it my best. I made mistakes, was pretty nervous, but had fun every step of the way. And that’s what it’s all about, right? Right. The interviews will be up very soon, with the cosplay shortly after that. Last but not least my overall thoughts on the convention, and getting to meet legendary comic artist Jim Steranko!

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